Research Summary

Platform technologies for genome design and cell construction

  • Development of practical synthetic biology technologies for smart genetic circuit and genome synthesis

  • Development of DNA design software for high-accuracy DNA assembly

  • Development of artificial genome synthesis technology through genome design and modular assembly

  • Development of web-based Partbank database and standardization of bio-parts for biofoundry

Development of high-throughtput technology

  • Development of molecular evolution technologies for industrially applicable enzyme engineering

  • Development of high-speed and mass-volume biofoundry technologies to cope with climate change issues emerging as new threats

CRISPR technology based biomedical and industrial applications

  • Programmed probiotics with genetic circuits for diagnostics and therapeutics of inflammatory bowel disease

  • Establishment and applications of CRISPR technology for metabolic engineering

  • Development of therapeutic protein secretion system in bacteroides

In responding to climate change and global warming

  • Development of synthetic consortium of methanotrophs and heterotrophs to produce C4-chemicals from methane by mimicking the natural methane ecosystem

  • Development of CRISPR system for engineering methanotroph and partner microbe

  • Discovery of biological resources degrading PET using genetically encoded biosensors

  • Discovery and characterization of novel plastic degrading strains and enzymes

  • Mass production of biodegradable plastic monomers using acid-tolerant microorganisms